Governing Body Meetings
Dear Parents and Carers,
The Governors of St. Giles CE School have created this page to share information with you about their role in the running of our school.
The governors will work with the school leadership team to ensure that St. Giles is a safe place for all pupils to grow and learn. We want each child to have an equal chance to develop their talents and abilities whilst at our school. Lastly, the governors would like to support our children to make a positive contribution to their community through their everyday interactions and regular special events.
We would also like to hear back from you to help us to make the school as successful as possible for every child and their family. We know that St. Giles is lucky to have a large group of motivated and multi-skilled parents and carers who are keen to help the school improve for all. Please let us know how you feel about St. Giles or what ideas you think would help the school to do better. You can do this by writing to us at the parent voice email address ( or by coming to one of our parent-governor events.
Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you,
Laurence O'Dwyer, Parent Governor

Please find below a record of attendance at Governing Body Meetings: