Special Educational Needs
Mrs Rebecca Dawes is our Special Educational Needs & Disabilities co-ordinator (SENDCo). She can be contacted via SENDCo@st-giles.shropshire.sch.uk or by ringing the school directly on 01743 356579.
At St Giles’, we strive to provide a supportive learning environment for all our pupils. We endeavour to offer a curriculum that recognises the needs of every child, supports self-esteem and provides opportunities to fulfil personal potential.
Class teachers are responsible for the progress of all the children in their class. When a teacher identifies that a child is making significantly less than expected progress, they work with parents and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCo) to assess whether the child has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of their age. If a child is identified as having SEND, they are monitored as ‘SEND Support’ and placed on our SEND register.
SEND Support takes the form of a four part, ‘Assess-Plan-Do-Review’ cycle (graduated approach) through which decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised. The graduated approach gives teachers and parents a growing understanding of the child’s needs and identifies the appropriate support required in order to secure positive outcomes.
When a child is at SEND Support, a Pupil Centred Plan (PCP) is written, in discussion with parents and the class teacher. This is tailored to address the specific needs of the child and may involve input from specialist support and external agencies. The PCP is reviewed termly between the parents and class teacher. Teaching assistants work closely with class teachers and the SENDCo to deliver pupil progress and narrow gaps in attainment.
In most cases, children who receive the additional support put in place through the PCP, will make progress towards their specific targets. If it is felt that sufficient progress is not being made, or there are more complex needs to be investigated, a decision will be made, in consultation with parents, about whether further action should be taken. This may result in the school pursuing an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). An EHCP is reviewed annually in line with the Local Authority guidelines.
The robust systems and procedures within school, ensure children with SEND are identified at the earliest opportunity and specific strategies and targeted interventions are put in place to support them. Our highly experienced and qualified SEND Team within school possess a wealth of skills and experience to support children with a range of special needs.

The SEND section of this website contains information about SEND and some of the many ways in which we seek to fulfil our responsibilities to those children who may need support during their time with us.
Please find below the link to our Information Report which indicates how and what we offer in terms of support, as well as the Shropshire Council Local Offer link. Here you will find information about support that is available for issues such as transport, health, finance and the EHCP process.
Listed below are some activities provided by local organisations, which have an inclusive approach. Please visit their websites for further information: we are not connected to these organisations.
This is by no means an exhaustive list. If you are aware of any other organisations that may be of benefit to families, please contact admin@st-giles.shropshire.sch.uk and we will add them on.
- Little Rascals Kids + SEND Play Sessions and sports club: http://www.littlerascalsfoundation.com/
- Shropshire Inclusive Dance (SiD): https://sidance.live
- Shrewsbury Town in the Community – Ball Skills Group for Children with coordination Difficulties: shrewsburytowninthecommunity.com
- Jump in SEND Sessions: gojumpin.com/locations/trampoline-park-shrewsbury
- Jungleland (SEND specialist sessions): junglelandtelford.com