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Church School


As a Church of England Primary School in Shrewsbury, we are committed to providing a strong Christian ethos within our school.

Christian values underpin our work, our relationships and our commitment to ensure equality of opportunity for all children.  We will strive to make our school welcoming, open and friendly with a positive Christian ethos. Our Christian values are: love, peace, respect, gentleness, humility, kindness, joy, hope, forgiveness, self-control, compassion and patience.

Our collective worships take place daily and provide an opportunity for children to participate in collective worship, and to acknowledge and celebrate work and achievements.  Our collective worships are led by our Head Teacher, members of our teaching staff, and Rev. Andrew Knight.

To view the St Giles Church website, please click here.

The RE and Worship policies can be found on the Policies section of our website.

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