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At St. Giles’, we aim to make the school a place where children are encouraged to respect and explore the world of science, quenching their thirst for scientific knowledge and giving them a taste for the possibilities of the unknown.  We pride ourselves on that indefinable buzz that is apparent in our science lessons and the level of enjoyment evident as the children speak about what they have learned.

Science is embedded across the curriculum and throughout school, following a carefully mapped out curriculum which addresses coverage and progression of both scientific knowledge and the development of scientific investigational skills. Detailed planning draws on the expertise of Stem Ambassadors as well as other visitors with a scientific background and we take advantage of our extensive school grounds and our Forest Schools areas in outdoor learning.

Science is taught weekly so ensuring that children develop the skills and knowledge which they will need for their future in an ever-changing world.  Topics are taught in an interactive, fun and memorable way, enabling children to develop an enjoyment of the subject while deepening their knowledge and understanding of the disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.  This approach forms the heart of every science topic. 

KS1 Science


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