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We aim to:

  • Teach children to be sensitive to sound and be aware of what they hear
  • Develop children’s confidence, memory and ability to sequence
  • Give children the opportunity to work with a variety of musical instruments to produce different sounds
  • Teach children to concentrate on, listen to and comment on a variety of musical styles
  • Give children the opportunity to learn about music from a variety of cultural traditions
  • Teach children about the elements of music when composing, performing, listening and appraising

The National Curriculum requires that all children should be given the opportunity to perform and compose, listen and appraise through experiencing the main elements of music, ie; pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre and texture. Children will focus on one or more of these elements in each unit of work.

We also offer a wide range of extra curricular opportunities in music. Children can receive instrumental tuition from Year One upwards from specialist music teachers from Shropshire Music Service. They can also take part in instrumental and singing workshops and performances with other schools in the local area.  Also, children from each phase are involved in a production for parents to attend. To learn more, please see our school’s vision for Music and the subject progression map below.

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