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Modern Foreign Languages

MFL provides children with an opportunity to become literate in another language, which will widen their horizons in our global community. We learn French from Year 3 onwards, and the curriculum is designed so that the children learn to hear, speak, read and write French, building upon knowledge to secure greater understanding.

Children show resilience when learning foreign language songs, stories and grammar, which not only strengthens their knowledge of French, but the knowledge of grammar in all languages. This will aid children in their pursuit of acquiring other languages later in their learning journeys. 

We celebrate cultural differences, and seize upon opportunities to engage in the languages of our students, which may speak another language at home. Through looking for cognates, which are similar sounds and spellings across different languages, we can make links between the languages and see how we are one community, which has, through time, moved and settled across the globe sharing culture and language as we travel. 

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Our language curriculum uses opportunities to show how we are all the same, as well as celebrating the differences in culture. This promotes a lifelong respect of others.  To find out more, please see our vision for Languages and the subject progression document below.


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