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The Curriculum at St. Giles’ C.E. Primary School

In this section of the website, you can learn more about the learning that takes place throughout our school. The detailed curriculum information for each year group for the current academic year can be viewed by using the links to the Curriculum Maps below. For further information about the vision and intent for each subject area, please use the relevant tabs above.

Through a broad and balanced curriculum, we aim to inspire children and support them in being ambitious by teaching them about the wider world and communities, of which they are a part, while also developing their understanding of our locality.

We base our curriculum in our three core school values of Resilience, Responsibility and Respect and we make constant and meaningful connections between these and the children’s learning.

curriculum display

Curriculum Letters for St. Giles’ C.E. Primary School have been emailed to all parents and a copy can also be found by clicking on the following links:

Should you wish to find out more about our curriculum, please speak with your child’s class teacher or contact the School Office on admin@st-giles.shropshire.sch.uk, who can forward your query to the relevant staff member.

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